Monday, March 7, 2011

Ethan Houdini!!!

Ethan had a great presentation about Harry Houdini, a famous Jewish magician of the early twentieth century. The class especially liked his chain escape presentation!

What?! Aaron is already seven?!?!?!!!!

Wow! Time flies! I can't believe my middle one, Aaron, is seven already! Whaaaaa!!!!

Kids are too funny!

I love my kids to pieces, of course! They bring me so much joy, as well as laughter! I am especially thankful of how much they love each other and enjoy each other's company! Here are some examples:
 What can you do if you don't want to go to 
sleep (on a school night)? Have a picnic, of course!

Chilling together on a Saturday morning!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

My latest art work

I love staying home with my boys. I definitely don't miss various office politics!! I do miss the artistic process, though, the expressionism of it. So, I started to go back to my art projects as an outlet. I am busy with my various bean projects, inspiration of which I got from Ethan school's African bean masks. I love the various textures of the beans and their variety of color!! Here are some of my works:

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween 2008

What a fun Halloween we had this year!!!
Ethan had a parade at his school and was dressed as a pirate. I took the boys to trick-or-treating around our neighborhood, then we drove to the nearby library for trunk-or-treating, and finally finished our evening with the Halloween parade. We proudly marched with hundreds of other parents and adorable children, did a honorary round at the park, ate doughnuts, drank apple cider, then finished our evening by playing with cousins who came over from Queens.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Our summer

I have mixed feelings about this summer. On one hand, it flew by too fast. I didn't get a chance to do, see, and/or visit all the things/places I wanted to with the kids. On the other hand, it was the longest summer in my adult life, having to adjust to a totally new rhythm of dealing with a child with type I diabetes, who is an infant on top of it. David, my youngest, was diagnosed with diabetes on June 18th, 2008. I noticed that he started to drink a lot of water and urinate, but we attributed it to the hot weather (the temperature was about 104 for 4 days!). When it continued, the bells started ringing in my head that something was wrong. My mother-in-law kept telling us that David also lost weight, but we didn't see it. He just didn't gain any since his 12-months check-up, and was still the same 20 lbs. Now, when I look back at the photos, I can see how thin his face and body were, how his cheeks were non-existant anymore. It makes me very sad! Also, I started to have anxiety thoughts that go something like this,"What if David's sugar fell very low at night and caused him to slip into coma, and I didn't hear anything?" or "Please, G-d, let me find David alive!" My heart always skips a bit when I enter his room to wake him up.